Thursday, January 22, 2009

Some January Things

Wee Man Update
The little guy had an appointment with a gastroenterologist on Monday. His recomendation for Brody is a test on Monday that will involve first putting him under general anesthesia, sticking a camera and scope down his throat and looking for some indications of destroyed cillia in his intestines, and doing a biopsy of some parts of his digestive tract. Then after all that he will have a probe stuck down his nose and esophagus, into his stomach and digestive tract, that will come out of his nose and remain attached to a device that will measure enzyme and acid levels in his little body for 24 hours. I'm happy that at least he will be put under during all this. But oh, the IV, when they try and stick that into his little veins, I'm not looking forward to that one bit. And if he knew it was coming I am sure he wouldnt be either. Well, at least it wont be like when we had to listen to the doctors do a spinal on him with no anesthesia or watch them insert a catheter up his pee pee. Gosh this kid has been through a lot. I'm tired of this. Exhausted. I just want us to move on and be a normal, happy, healthy family. If these tests show nothing of interest then the next step is a geneticist, and we already have an appointment fr Feb 17th.. I'm not looking forward to it at all.

Hope In A Can?!?!
Is it just me or does the new Pepsi logo make you want to chant "Yes We Can, Yes We Can?" I read somewhere that Pepsi spent a billion dollars on this logo change. You be the judge.

Yes. Our landscape modifications have been denied by the gestapo. No surprise there. The flower beds and flagstone all did seem a bit radical, didnt it? And now they want us to pay for an engineered survey of our lot so that we can more accurately depict where the beds will be going. Hmmm, so a photo with an arrow that says "HERE" simply wouldnt cut it?
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1 comment:

Kim said...

His pictures always put a smile on my face. Thank you for the update, he is always in my prayers. Love you guys.