Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday Breaking News

Did anyone watch Blago's cowboy rant today? Hilarious. Here he is in full Blago style:

Now, I like old movies and I like old cowboy movies, and I want to explain how these rules work in a more understandable way. There was an old saying in the Old West: There was a cowboy who was charged with stealing a horse in town and some of the other cowboys, especially the guy whose horse was stolen, were very unhappy with that guy. One of the cowboys said "Let's hang him." And the other cowboys said, "Hold on. Before we hang him, let's first give him a fair trial, then we'll hang him."

Under these rules, I'm not even getting a fair trial; they're just hanging me. And when they hang me under these rules that prevent due process, they're hanging the 12 million people of Illinois who twice have elected a governor.

I also watched him make some other analogy to cowboys in another press conference. I saw people scratching their heads. I LOVE IT. I would be so embarrassed to have ever associated myself with this guy, let alone elected this loon. I'm just enjoying relishing and taking this all in. Yee haw.

Also, did anyone see that there will be a new reality TV series called "TSA" or something along those likes. A show about taking away peoples perfume bottles, little makeup scissors, lip gloss, etc. Should be really exciting.

Only one more day until B-mans surgery. Yikes...


Kim said...

Ug, I can't even watch the guy anymore. He looks like such a douchebag with his leather jacket and his head bob as he talks.

I love it when he compares himself to Nixon and cowboys who rob people, he's a smart guy.

Raymonty said...

'BlagoMan' reminds me of the way that I was when I was young, but I had more hair then him. Ha,Ha!