Monday, January 19, 2009

The Eve of The Annoiting of The Chosen One

I dont have much time to write. I'm too busy preparing for the second coming of the Messiah tomorrow. No I'm not, I'm actually busy getting my household in order because I HAVE TO WORK TOMORROW. See liberals, someone has to work and pay all the taxes to support your stupid social programs and lazy butts, someone has to work to pay for all the welfare and free Medicaid for irresponsible people and illegals that the think they are entitled to. So, enjoy tomorrow, watching THE MOST EXPENSIVE INAUGURATION IN US HISTORY (all during an economic crisis where thousands are losing their jobs and homes, can you even imagine if this was happening for a conservative president, oh the field day the press would have), while you are watching Hussein take oath I will be busy working to support his stupid programs and bailouts.
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Kim said...

Don't you just love how liberals talk about "change" and how Obama is going to "bring this nation together", and then they turn around and shout out their hate and demean anyone who doesn't have the same views as them. Change doesn't happen with the president, people. Change starts with you, the American people. We are the only ones who can change this country, not some politician in the white house.
Ok, I'm done with my rant that pretty much had nothing to do with your post except that they both mentioned Obama and liberals :)

Kim said...

Oh, and you guys are cute :)