Friday, February 27, 2009

Texas Tea Party - Part 1

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Friday, February 6, 2009

Monster Jammin'

We had some fun at the Monster Jam monster truck rally. The show was way weaker than last year, I was almost bored. I probably could have found some better destruction out on I-10. Nonetheless, it gave me something to day dream about for the past I wish I could just drive over traffic instead of waiting in it.

It was LOUD!

On another note, McD's has a 50 piece McNugget deal for $9.99. Isn't that nuts? A regular 10 piece costs exactly $4. So thats a cost of $.40 a nugget in that deal. The 50 piece meal is $.20 a nug. I am grossed out by the fact that I am even referring to them as "nugs." Regardless, we didnt take the deal. I think my arteries will thank me for that later.

Lastly, can you believe this sham of a "stimulus" is actually passing? And both sides are acting like they've done something noble by "shaving it down" to a whopping 750 billion. I dont know when more spending has ever got us anything but bad news. This is the largest expansion of government ever.
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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday Breaking News

Did anyone watch Blago's cowboy rant today? Hilarious. Here he is in full Blago style:

Now, I like old movies and I like old cowboy movies, and I want to explain how these rules work in a more understandable way. There was an old saying in the Old West: There was a cowboy who was charged with stealing a horse in town and some of the other cowboys, especially the guy whose horse was stolen, were very unhappy with that guy. One of the cowboys said "Let's hang him." And the other cowboys said, "Hold on. Before we hang him, let's first give him a fair trial, then we'll hang him."

Under these rules, I'm not even getting a fair trial; they're just hanging me. And when they hang me under these rules that prevent due process, they're hanging the 12 million people of Illinois who twice have elected a governor.

I also watched him make some other analogy to cowboys in another press conference. I saw people scratching their heads. I LOVE IT. I would be so embarrassed to have ever associated myself with this guy, let alone elected this loon. I'm just enjoying relishing and taking this all in. Yee haw.

Also, did anyone see that there will be a new reality TV series called "TSA" or something along those likes. A show about taking away peoples perfume bottles, little makeup scissors, lip gloss, etc. Should be really exciting.

Only one more day until B-mans surgery. Yikes...

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Photographer's Pics

I wish I could take credit for these pics of my darling children, but I can't. They were taken by Sharon Arnoldi from Sharon Arnoldi Photography. She is the sister-in-law of a friend of mine who came to the house to take these pictures. She did great. If you have ever taken pictures of little children before then you know that they can be some difficult subjects. But you would never know that from looking at these pictures!
Look at how much Nicky loves his little brother. Its darling how much they already love each other, they have bonded for certain. Nicky plays with Brody, driving his monster trucks all over him and pushing him around in his walker. Its so sweet. Now if only Brody would just grow a little bit so Nicky could really have some fun with him!
Ug. That surgery is just a few days away. I am apprehensive. I hate seeing my baby in pain. But on the other hand I just want this test to be over with and I hope that they find something. I wont cross my fingers, but I hope so. Look at that little smile. I cant stand to see him miserable any more. Today his therapist came over to work on eating with him. It was pretty disappointing. He didnt want to eat anything, he hates the spoon and anything you put on it. And he hasnt really gotten a good grasp of moving food around in his mouth and swallowing it. Oh well, hopefully soon.

And one more of my little Nicky. What a little boy he has become. Where is my little baby Nicky? He is growing up too fast.
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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Some January Things

Wee Man Update
The little guy had an appointment with a gastroenterologist on Monday. His recomendation for Brody is a test on Monday that will involve first putting him under general anesthesia, sticking a camera and scope down his throat and looking for some indications of destroyed cillia in his intestines, and doing a biopsy of some parts of his digestive tract. Then after all that he will have a probe stuck down his nose and esophagus, into his stomach and digestive tract, that will come out of his nose and remain attached to a device that will measure enzyme and acid levels in his little body for 24 hours. I'm happy that at least he will be put under during all this. But oh, the IV, when they try and stick that into his little veins, I'm not looking forward to that one bit. And if he knew it was coming I am sure he wouldnt be either. Well, at least it wont be like when we had to listen to the doctors do a spinal on him with no anesthesia or watch them insert a catheter up his pee pee. Gosh this kid has been through a lot. I'm tired of this. Exhausted. I just want us to move on and be a normal, happy, healthy family. If these tests show nothing of interest then the next step is a geneticist, and we already have an appointment fr Feb 17th.. I'm not looking forward to it at all.

Hope In A Can?!?!
Is it just me or does the new Pepsi logo make you want to chant "Yes We Can, Yes We Can?" I read somewhere that Pepsi spent a billion dollars on this logo change. You be the judge.

Yes. Our landscape modifications have been denied by the gestapo. No surprise there. The flower beds and flagstone all did seem a bit radical, didnt it? And now they want us to pay for an engineered survey of our lot so that we can more accurately depict where the beds will be going. Hmmm, so a photo with an arrow that says "HERE" simply wouldnt cut it?
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Monday, January 19, 2009

The Eve of The Annoiting of The Chosen One

I dont have much time to write. I'm too busy preparing for the second coming of the Messiah tomorrow. No I'm not, I'm actually busy getting my household in order because I HAVE TO WORK TOMORROW. See liberals, someone has to work and pay all the taxes to support your stupid social programs and lazy butts, someone has to work to pay for all the welfare and free Medicaid for irresponsible people and illegals that the think they are entitled to. So, enjoy tomorrow, watching THE MOST EXPENSIVE INAUGURATION IN US HISTORY (all during an economic crisis where thousands are losing their jobs and homes, can you even imagine if this was happening for a conservative president, oh the field day the press would have), while you are watching Hussein take oath I will be busy working to support his stupid programs and bailouts.
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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tear Down That Wall

Dom has been building a wall outside our house for some time now. Not a wall, just a landscaping border. A "friendly" letter from the HOA came the other day ordering us to cease construction or face legal action. See, we didn't seek the proper approval before construction (proper approval meaning: 10 photos of materials, lot surveys, plant types (only from the approved plant list), etc, etc, etc). Well, in the end it is our own fault, but as you can see from the picture we weren't constructing the Alamo or anything. Yet.

The Wee-Man has a doctor's appointment on Tuesday. This one is with a Gastroenterologist. I am sure I did not spell that correctly. He has been very sick now for about a week, so all that progress we were making on gaining weight and finishing bottles, yeah, that's all up in smoke. He finally broke the 13 lb mark. I just cant believe how small he is. And now he is crawling. I'm going to lose him! He'll disappear behind something and I'll never find him again. Kinda like when you let lizards or hermit crabs loose in the house, remember that? He is really small! He could be anywhere.
Just a note though, I thought that this has to be stated. I am keenly aware that despite all the doctors appointments, tests, months of hardship and heartache, hospital stays, many-hour-long feeding sessions, etc, he is no where near the sickest child on the planet. We're very fortunate. No matter what it is or what the doctors say, we are lucky. We have him. And slowly (and I mean VERY SLOWLY) he is gaining weight and making progress developmentally. I've got to learn to keep things in perspective. And I need to learn that soon.
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Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Zoo

We took a trip to the zoo a few weeks ago, but I am just getting around to putting the pics up now. The zoo was the perfect venue to try out the new All-Terrain Radio Flyer that Dom got the boys for Christmas. Well, it was for Christmas, but it actually came a few days after Christmas. And it wasn't delivered by Santa, rather Nicky watched it be delivered by a man wearing a brown suit and driving a brown truck (Dear sweet innocent Nicky, sometimes Santa comes after Christmas and he wears all brown and drives a truck instead of a sleigh). It didnt phase him, he was just happy to have the wagon. We all are happy to have the wagon.
Here is Brody at the zoo practicing some of the baby-sign language I taught him. Ha, just kidding. I dont have time for baby-sign language. He is just being silly
And here is Nicky. I cant believe that in all the pics that I took I never got a good one of the boys with any of the animals. Oh well. Next time. We are members so we will have to go again this year!
GOOD NEWS! BRODY IS CRAWLING AS OF TODAY! I'm pretty scared though, he is so little, if he got away from me he could hide anywhere!
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Friday, January 2, 2009

Time to Eat Pirate

Brody eats hard -boiled eggs. I find them pretty much revolting. I really dont like the yolks. He loves hard-boiled eggs. Eggs must be one of his most favorite things to eat now. He'd eat just about anything if he could. Just not his milk or babyfood. But he'd eat everything else.
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