Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tear Down That Wall

Dom has been building a wall outside our house for some time now. Not a wall, just a landscaping border. A "friendly" letter from the HOA came the other day ordering us to cease construction or face legal action. See, we didn't seek the proper approval before construction (proper approval meaning: 10 photos of materials, lot surveys, plant types (only from the approved plant list), etc, etc, etc). Well, in the end it is our own fault, but as you can see from the picture we weren't constructing the Alamo or anything. Yet.

The Wee-Man has a doctor's appointment on Tuesday. This one is with a Gastroenterologist. I am sure I did not spell that correctly. He has been very sick now for about a week, so all that progress we were making on gaining weight and finishing bottles, yeah, that's all up in smoke. He finally broke the 13 lb mark. I just cant believe how small he is. And now he is crawling. I'm going to lose him! He'll disappear behind something and I'll never find him again. Kinda like when you let lizards or hermit crabs loose in the house, remember that? He is really small! He could be anywhere.
Just a note though, I thought that this has to be stated. I am keenly aware that despite all the doctors appointments, tests, months of hardship and heartache, hospital stays, many-hour-long feeding sessions, etc, he is no where near the sickest child on the planet. We're very fortunate. No matter what it is or what the doctors say, we are lucky. We have him. And slowly (and I mean VERY SLOWLY) he is gaining weight and making progress developmentally. I've got to learn to keep things in perspective. And I need to learn that soon.
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1 comment:

Kim said...

Don't you just love people telling you what you can do WITH YOUR OWN HOUSE. HOAs are awesome! haha

I wish I could be there to help you with Brody. Give him hugs and kisses for me.